This course has been developed by ACI Training & Consultancy Ltd so that health care professionals are able to understand what Anaphylaxis is and how to manage the condition.  Anyone involved in treating Anaphylaxis must also hold a current Basic Life Support training certificate.

The course content is:

ANAPHYLAXIS Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.


Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

A theory only Basic First Aid awareness course for social care workers working in the community.  It covers primary and secondary assessment, top to toe survey, basic life support, disorders of the respiratory system, circulatory system and burns, diabetes, epilepsy etc.

Basic First Aid Theory Only. Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

ACI have developed this course in response to demand from various sources including medical locums, health care recruitment agencies and NHS organisations.

The aims and objectives of the course are to define communication and why it is so important in healthcare and to become familiar with the relationship between communication and decision making.  We explore how we communicate and what patients want to talk to us about as well as examining what is good and poor communication.  We explain the various communication styles; methods and models and also how culture can influence communication.

Communication Skills for Doctors - Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.


Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

This course has been published to provide frontline staff with the information needed as provided by the Department of Health and Public Health England to work in NHS Trusts treating those patients with confirmed or suspected Covid-19.  We wish to draw your attention to the fact that each Trust could have its own policies that you will need to make yourself familiar with; they will need to ensure that they provide you with the necessary personal protective equipment and that you are trained to use any specific equipment peculiar to them that you are not familiar with.  You have a duty of care to look after your own health and safety and that of your patients.  ACI wish you well during these unprecedented times.

Donning and Doffing PPE. Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

The aim of this course is to examine the issues that surround falls including the prevalence of falls and being able to identify those people most at risk of falling. We look at why and when falls occur and multifactorial falls risk assessment and interventions. It helps us to understand how to help to prevent falls and to ensure that we follow post-fall protocol. This course is suitable for all grades of health and social care staff. For some NHS Trusts this course is a mandatory subject.

Falls Awareness. Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

It is important that all Registered Nurses regularly familiarise themselves with their role and responsibility as a healthcare practitioner in regards to administration of medication. This course refreshes our knowledge on medicines management and administration, looks at the legislation and codes of practice with which we must comply and also examines those medicines that require careful monitoring. Complaints due to medication errors are on the increase and at the end of the course we have concentrated on drug calculation exercises.

Handling Medication for Registered Nurses. Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

The aim of this course is to introduce us to "Positive and Safe" which informs us that restrictive interventions should only be used when there is a real possibility of harm to the person, or to staff, the public or others.  We all need to be aware of the policy for restraint and restrictive interventions within the environments that we will be working and become familiar with them and ensure that we provide safe and effective care at all times.

Reducing Restraint in Health and Social Care. Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase. 

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

This course has been developed by ACI Training for health care professionals. Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death in hospital patients worldwide and severe Sepsis causes around 37,000 deaths every year in the UK. As health care professionals it is most important that we understand what Sepsis is, what the symptoms are of Sepsis, which patients are at greatest risk, what is SIRS and also be introduced to the Exemplar Standards for the Ward Management of Sepsis.

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

This course has been developed by ACI Training & Consultancy Ltd to help healthcare workers who work in X-ray departments, understand the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000 (IRMER) and how they apply.  It is a comprehensive course detailing:

  •          What is radiation
  •          Types of radiation
  •          Sources of radiation
  •          Harmful effects of ionising radiation
  •          Types of exposure
  •          How ionising radiation affects the body
  •          Dosage Limits
  •          Dosimetry
  •          Legislation
  •          Health and Safety Information
  •          Assessment of learning

Working with Ionising Radiation - Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.


Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

This course has been developed by ACI Training & Consultancy for healthcare workers to understand the meaning of Epilepsy including the classification of seizures and the impact these have on an individual’s life. In the course we look at the first aid management of seizures, status epilepticus and its treatment; how diagnosis is made and also the other treatments available for Epilepsy. It should be noted that bespoke practical training is required before anyone may administer Buccal Midazolam or Rectal Diazepam. 

ACI provide practical courses in this subject for groups of up to 15 candidates.

Understanding Epilepsy. Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.