This is a course for ACI staff only.  

This course has been developed by ACI Training and Consultancy Ltd to give personnel that work in office environments a broad understanding of health and safety legislation and employer and employee responsibilities.  It can be used on induction and thereafter as refresher training. It includes information on all aspects of health and safety and the key learning outcomes are:

  • To have an understanding of The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 the duty on the employer and employee. 
  • To be introduced to The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998, Manual Handling Operations and Regulations 1992, Personal Protective Equipment at Work 1992, Lone working guidance, Display Screen Equipment Regulations etc., and how they apply in the work place
  • To understand the meaning of hazard, risk and risk assessment
  • To be familiar with COSHH and RIDDOR and the employee’s responsibility
  • To be able to recognise the common work place hazards e.g. slips, trips and falls
  • To understand the importance of health and safety concerns e.g. stress, conflict
  • To know how to raise health and safety concerns
  • To be familiar with the Working Time Directive
  • To be aware of the Whistleblowing Policy
  • To understand the employee’s individual responsibility in reporting incidents, ill health and near misses.

Health and Safety for Office Personnel -  Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.


Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

This course if for workers to understand their responsibilities in terms of health and safety requirements with the moving and handling of objects in the work place in order to keep themselves safe and to comply with legislation.

It covers the necessary legislation; a brief understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the spine and what injuries can occur; what is required for risk assessment and also correct handling techniques.

Please note that ACI are able to offer expert advice on manual handling matters including provision of risk assessment documentation.  Please contact us on 01291 624451 or should you require any further information.

Load Handling (Not for Healthcare Workers) - some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

Payment Device Security 

This course has been developed by ACI to enable card payment machine operators to understand the need for payment device security and how to recognise potential threats or breaches in security of the payment device.

The course will facilitate an understanding of the need for compliance with national and organisational regulations, policies and procedures and understanding of how to gather evidence for reporting mechanisms.

Payment Device Security (Card Payment Machines) - Some employers/agencies require this as mandatory - please check with your employer/agency if you are required to do this course before making a purchase.


Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.

This course is suitable for anyone who uses display screen equipment (ie works on a computer) for more than one hour per day.

Once you purchase the course, it is valid for you to take for 90 days.